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Here's an illustration for a brochure I did last summer when gas prices were outrageous. I think we're all feeling a little more than squeezed at this point. It was for an agency who's client was or was associated with Congressman John Hall (who, quite honestly, I know very little about). The Art Director knew an interesting trivia tidbit that I found amusing on some level in that the Congressman was once the lead singer of a group called Orleans who had a couple hits in the mid 1970's called Still the One and Dance With Me. He's the tall bearded shirtless dude in the middle of all the happy shirtless dudes. I think my college roommate had this album and we had a laugh or two at the cover photo back in the day. I believe Congressman Hall's a Democrat from New York and was recently (excuse me)...He's Still the One!
Last two public UFO sightings before the art show. More details to come, but so far...
The show will be from the beginning of March through the end of April with a reception on Friday, March 27 from 6pm to 9pm. All invited. Refreshments served!
Century21 gallery space, 1711 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22209. It's a Century21 office, but they have space to show art and this month the Arlington Art Alliance is having their annual show there.
Watch here for further updates and special announcements!
A new painting titled "Carry Out" Acrylic 18"x24."
Who ordered the Big Mac?
Click image to enlarge
I went to the sold-out Georgetown/Syracuse basketball game last night at the Verizon Center in downtown DC. I was standing on the concourse waiting for a friend when John McCain walks by! By himself! No people. No one with an earpiece anywhere in sight. Having nothing better to do, I naturally followed him in a stalker kind of way and was entertained by the surprised expressions on people's faces as he strolled by them. I think everyone was startled that he was him and he was by himself. Students rolled up and took pictures of him with their cellphones and he posed for a photo with the stupid Geico gecko. He got into the food line for hot dogs and I lined up behind him. I'm such a sucker for celebrity, I tapped him on the shoulder and said, "Senator, I'd like to shake your hand." He's much shorter than I imagined and was genuinely happy to shake my hand. I'm pretty good at smalltalk and he was standing next to me smiling and waiting for me to say something and I had nothing. "Erm...Sorry about the election? Didn't vote for you. So...You doing anything fun for the Inauguration? Um...nice suit?" I just smiled and he kind of gave me that knowing smile back. It was kind of sad. What do you say? Two months ago, he was running for President and yesterday he was by himself standing in a hot dog line. I felt bad. He was ok with it and continued along with his hot dog and box of popcorn as he parted the shocked crowd and made his way to his section. Seemed at peace with himself. I decided not to follow him anymore and walked back to my section.I drew his cars and homes and his dark blue suit last summer for a political piece that a client was going to mass mail out, but at the last minute the project was pulled when Sarah Palin suddenly entered the race and the client apparently had more timely and salacious material to work with. I got paid well so it was all good and I wasn't terribly disappointed. Above is one side of the mail piece with the client's company removed from the green banner. Plenty of carefree time to eat popcorn and catch the Hoyas.
Two more UFO sightings this week. See earlier postings below. Exhibit will be March/April in Arlington, VA. Details forthcoming! Acrylic 6"x6"
Here are some colorful skateboarders that I drew for the American Diabetes Association. The project was to promote exercise (and try not to break too many bones in the process). I attempted to skateboard once and almost cracked my skull. One and done. There's something about standing on a narrow piece of wood with four wheels attached to it that doesn't mix well with me. I can't rollerblade either. I was meant to walk.
Two new paintings! Big Bug and Smiles the Dog. Big Bug came from a group of bugs I had drawn for a Chicago extermination company advertisement series. Acrylic, 16"x20" (yes, Michaels is still having a sale).
Here's the Man of Steel and Mona Lisa making an appearance. Both new paintings for the upcoming show in March. Both acrylic, 16"x20" (Michaels had a sale on 16"x20" canvas).